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Blue Skies and Yellow Fields

Special Offerings

From time to time there comes a need so great that our regular offering isn't sufficient. At these times we offer you the opportunity to consider digging a little deeper (also called Second Giving)  and financially giving additional funds. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.


Help for Ukraine


Gifts to support the people of Ukraine can be made through UMCOR or through  your church offering with a check earmarked "Advance #982450-Ukraine"

Onley UMC - New Well

An unforeseen church expense - we need a new well dug and pump installed. Any contribution will help defray the cost.  Earmark your check "Well fund" and either place in the Sunday offering or send to 

Onley United Methodist Church

PO Box 98

Onley, VA 23418

Image by Frank Albrecht
Image by onehundredseventyfive

Lenten Offering

Prayerfully consider a special donation during Lent as a response to this season of preparation celebrating the Lord's Resurrection at Easter. Traditionally, we are called not only to abstain from luxuries during Lent, but to a "true inner conversion of the heart as we seek to follow Christ's will more faithfully". 

"Coin Donation Cards" are available at the back of the sanctuary, but checks noted as Lenten offering  are most welcome. 

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